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Children's Equitation

   Division Sponsored by DBBS Equestrian and Storm Hill Farm

Christina Themistos
Storm Hill

Reserve Champion
Amaia Williams
Fox Crossing

Kayden Myrick
Folly Farm

Kylie Boerenko
Mystic Valley

Ella Williams
Fox Crossing

Amelia Phelan
Fox Crossing

Madison LaBonte
Vanderzicht Stables

Gabrielle McKay
Fox Crossing

Zoe Cooper
Mystic Valley 

Ashley Kelly

Please direct name or barn edits to CHJACT@gmail.com by 1/5 

Reminder: To qualify for a year end division award, a horse or rider must have a minimum of 50 points in that division unless otherwise specified. The horse or rider must also compete at a minimum of four shows during the show year in that specified division, and when they compete, the division or the individual class must be eligible to receive points even if the horse or rider wins none of those points. 

Photos for the Banquet Program must be received by 1/5

We would love to feature photos of all the award recipients in the Banquet program!

Please send your photo as an attachment to an email to meg@mixedmediacreative.com

The photo resolution must be high enough to print clearly in the program. Facebook photos do not have a high enough resolution. 300 dpi would be best!

Be sure to tell us who you are and what division you are receiving the award for.
Example: Meg Smith and Peanut, Leadline. We prefer photos with you jumping, sitting on or standing by your horse or pony!   


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