Walk Trot Equitation
Division Sponsored by Jessica Roth Thomas and Daffodil Hill
Timothy Belcourt
Shelby Bussolotti
Taylor Collar
Paige Contenta
Caitlyn Feeley
Alexandra Ferri
Caroline Ferri
Alex Jefson
Abigail Lottridge
Susanne McGrady
Caitlyn Mogilka
Caroline Orzech
Kasi Ray
Haley Resnick
Kayla Rodriguez
Courtney Ryan
Harper Sanford
Jamie Scarpantonio
Olivia Sica
Kyla Sullivan
Olivia Troiano
Meredith Ward
Carly Webber
Cheyenne Wheeler
Alexis Woloshchuk
Isabella Yee
We would like to feature photos of our very special Walk Trot Equitation Year End Award Winners on the web site and in the Celebration Slide Show which will run before and during dinner at the Annual Awards Banquet on February 5th. For more information click on Lead Line and Walk Trot Photos to the right.