2024 Medal Finals Prize List
2024 CHJA Medal Finals Prizelist
Eligibility requirements will be verified as each entry is received.
Completed entry forms and payment in full must be mailed and received or postmarked by August 3rd. There are no exceptions.
Entry forms must be completely filled out before they are mailed including all signatures and membership numbers. Numbers will not be issued if the application is incomplete. There are no post entries. Entries postmarked after August 3 will be returned.
Do not send CHJA Medal Finals entries to the Fairfield Horse Show!
As entry forms are received, confirmation of receipt will be posted on the CHJA website.
Please do not send Entry Forms "signature required" as the post office is an 8 mile round trip from this office. If you want confirmation that they were delivered, send them "delivery confirmation" instead.
Questions? Email chjact@gmail.com